Monday, January 26, 2009

Birth Rate up, abortion down

2006 was the year that saw the biggest number of births in the United States, since the end of the baby boom. about 4 million baby's were born. the number of abortions have been going down Nationwide. The abortion providers are on the decline, which includes hospitals and private offices. Many of the states rate for abortion have been also going down for example in California its seen a big change in its population. Despite low rates for abortions they are still being practiced and happening. Many people have different opinions about how abortion can be a good or bad thing for our country, but the more the rates go down for abortion the more baby's are being born and making the population even bigger. in my opinion i find that it is really good that the rates for abortion are going down because i never agreed with abortion in the first place i think it is something very cruel and it shouldn't even be practiced around the world. Lots of woman have caught allot of diseases by doing this and some can not even have any more kids for doing this type of madness

The Roe v.s Wade Case

The Roe vs Wade case was the historic supreme court decision overturning a Texas interpretation of abortion law and also of making abortion legal in the U.S. This case was a decision that said that woman with their doctor could of chose abortion in earlier months of her pregnancy, without restriction. The Roe vs Wade was also decided primarily on the ninth amendment to the United states Constitution and also to the Bill of Rights. this famous amendment had certain rights, that could not be construed to deny or disparage others retained but the people. Roe vs Wade is one of the most controversial an politically significant cases in U.S supreme court history. Roe and Wade held that a mother could abort her pregnancy for a reason up until the "point" in which the fetus becomes viable. This case prompted national debate that still continues till today.

Different types of abortion

There are many different types of abortion for example surgical abortions, chemical abortions, and abortifacient contraceptives. Surgical abortions is the procedure used depending on the stage of pregnancy and the size of the unborn child. For a surgical abortion they use a set of dilators such as metallic curved instruments that are used to open the cervix. An chemical abortion is an abortion that can be caused by certain drugs administered in varying ways which can act upon the hormones of a mother to create a situation in to which a newly formed baby known as a zygote or embryo, cannot survive. An abortifacient contraceptives is when woman take birth control pills that are routinely described as "contraceptives", this prevents conception and the beginning of a new human life.

Abortion Recovery

Woman go through many stages after an abortion and one is an abortion recovery. Women go through an recovery experince. This is very common in a woman because they start dealing with the decisions of all the mistakes they done and all that leads to depression. This is a stage where woman go through alot of traumatic effects. Abortion recovery is also when woman start regreting all of the mistakes theyve done and all the pain theyve gone through. Not all woman talk about their abortion experinces publicy or positively. Many woman while going through abortion recovery go through alot of support or one on one sessions.

After Effects of an Abortion

By the year 1973 the United States supreme court had struck down all federal state and all local law regulating or restricting the practice of abortion. This law was on the premise that the states no longer have any need to regulate abortion. Abortion is founded to be very dangerous to the health of a women. Government have causes that regulate to prohibit abortion in order to protect their citizens. About 1.5 million woman undergo abortions each year. Many woman have many complications associated with induced abortion. Their are nine most common complications which woman can go through after an abortion. There are infections, excessive bleeding, embolism, ripping or perforation of the uterus, anesthesia complications, and convulsions.

Clinical Depression After Unintended Pregnancy

Women abort a first pregnancy can be at greater risk of subsequent long term clinical depression. In 1992 a subset of 4,463 women had been surveyed about depression, intendedness of pregnancy and pregnancy outcome. After having an average of eight years after an abortion woman who are married were 138 percent more likely to be at high risk of clinical depression. Unmarried woman who are raising children without support of a husband experience significantly more depression. Going through depression can be one of the hardest thing a women can go through especially when they don't have know help.

Laws about Abortion

Right now the United States abortions are legal. The teenagers that are under 18 have different types of laws from state to state. Teenagers need parents permission before performing an abortion. There is alot of things going on now with abortions laws at the state. In many of the states abortion have different types of permission for abortion, for example in Nevada, you do not need no parent permission to have an abortion. another example is Missouri there the law requires that one of your parents give permission for your abortion. All states have different types of laws.