Monday, October 20, 2008

Affects after an Abortion.

There are many Effects women can have after an abortion. Many of these effects are called Bladder injuries, Bowel injury, and Breast cancer, Ectopic (tubal) Pregnancy, Hemorrhage, Hepatitis and Infections. Having a bladder injury’s can cause peritonitis which is an inflamed, infected lining of the abdomen. Having this type of problem a women faces many dangers including rapidly and necessary surgeries. Having to have Bowel injury causes women to have nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, or fever. This can cause death if not treated quickly. In a risk of having breast cancer a women who has aborted has very high rates of breast cancer. An ectopic pregnancy has to do when a pregnancy occurs outside the uterus. Having a hemorrhage leaves one to fourteen percent of women require for a blood transfusion due to the bleeding from abortion. Hepatitis can happen after you have blood transfusion after an abortion. Having an infection can affect a women by sometimes even causing death to her and the baby. There are many affects now and days in which women can have after an abortion many of the reasons listed above are some of the effects it can cause pregnant women. Abortion can also give women negative effects and aslo health problem effects.

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